
Press the reset button on your nervous system to eliminate stress and boost cognitive function.

Experience the benefits of a two-step Reset.

What is a Neuro-Reset?

The Neuro-Reset is a two-part procedure that restores balance between the two sides of the autonomic nervous system: the sympathetic “fight-or-flight” response and the parasympathetic “rest-and-relax” state.

How does the Neuro-Reset Work?

The Stellate Ganglion Block is a minimally-invasive procedure that administers a local anesthetic into the Stellate Ganglion and Superior Cervical Ganglion nerve bundles along the side of the neck. This temporary anesthetization blocks signals to the brain’s fear center and reduces the production of stress hormones, effectively giving the brain a chance to reset back to its baseline, pre-stress state.
Step 2: Vagus Nerve Hydrodissection
The Vagus Nerve Hydrodissection is a minimally-invasive procedure involves injecting fluid around the Vagus Nerve to release pressure and create space, ultimately improving its function and ability to promote relaxation. A de-compressed Vagus Nerve also facilitates the delivery of substances that can enhance nerve functioning, including exosomes, peptides, platelet plasma, and growth factors.

What is the Autonomic Nervous System?

The Autonomic Nervous System is an always-on nerve network that controls your body’s most vital physiological responses and processes without your conscious effort. The system consists of two primary branches with opposing effects on physiological processes:
infographic with blue neural connections as a background
When these branches work in harmony, the body functions optimally, but when they are out of sync they promote widespread physiological dysfunction, upsetting sleep, digestion, heart rate, immune response, and emotional regulation.
The Neuro-Reset restores harmony between the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Looking for more benefits?

We also offer a Complete Neuro-Reset.
The complete Neuro-Reset is a three-step treatment with an added IV ketamine infusion to stimulate neuroplasticity and unlock profound subconscious insights.